

                                    Family coat of arms

 Welcome to this time consuming item in the life of   
 Gea Voerman - van Haselen!

Here you can find some links to:   (most is still in Dutch, but I'm planning to start translating them sooner or later.... Have a bit of patience with me and try your luck...) Where you find !!! it is in English! 

the last family news !!! and to Ambers !!! own page are in English by now... so is the page about the Vlieland!!! and one about Mik!!! Charlotte!!! is our new acquisition, daughter of our youngest and her man.

pictures !!! - alas! most of them just for the family... Betty wants some quiet around the triplets, so her quartets pictures are mostly here, but one can ask for the key if especially interested....

Foundation The Gospel in Spain!!!

Workgroup Kerk voor de Mensen (Litt: Church for the people, my home church for the last 20 years)

St Peters Church Utrecht Our family church for over 25 years.... 

Services - the most recent of Ton and me. But alas! they will be in Dutch only, I'm afraid! 

Biblical diary  where I try to have a little word and a hymn for the day. All Dutch - but now you know what it is about... 

Let's not forget our dear gay friends f/m:  ECV  (the Protestants - a bit charismatic) and the r.c.: Dignityhttp://www.profip.nl/dignity/ 

some writings.... and some jokes!!! The latter most in English, because most come from my cousin Blanche...

If you are interested in music, here are some links you may like: music links  

In my guestbook you are most welcome to comment on anything you see or read here...

Like to know me a bit better? If you know any Dutch: click here 

Mail me? Try gea @ van-haselen.nl    You may get an answer :-)  

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